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The main difference between JavaScript and PHP

JavaScript and php is an object-oriented language and interpreted programming scripting languages.

JavaScript is mainly a client-side scripting language; this language is easily understood by the web browser instead of the web server.

This language is part of the web browser and it can be executed easily as it does not require a web server, the code can easily understand and readable by the programmer.

The JavaScript is not much secure as php, because it can be easily editable on the browser, the load of the JavaScript on the web server is low because it allows a quick response to the web server.

With a web design course in Delhi, you can all these languages and attain a good understanding of each.

Since the evolution of JavaScript web developers have much more efficient tool to modify websites as it helps in creative and eco-friendly websites, this language is basically for front-end development but then node.js allows developers to use it as a backend language also, it is the third most usable language after Html, css sometimes the programmer face difficulties in implementing the logic of JavaScript.

The JavaScript can be written in the form of a script which is done to be included in the HTML code. The JavaScript can be attached in two ways that is directly under the script tag in HTML code, and another one is attached or linked through the external file, the code is in a separate file.

Learn JavaScript course in Delhi and become an expert in it within a few months.

It can combine with XML and Ajax. JavaScript has well-known library and frameworks, that are

Jquery, Reactjs, Angularjs, and Vuejs, can also be used with different types of databases, mango dB,

Couch dB and NoSQL. it has different types of data types, String, Number, Boolean, Undefined, and Null.

Syntax for the JavaScript dummy code : Internal js

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">



Basic Example to Describe JavaScript




<!-- JavaScript code can be embedded inside

head section or body section -->


console.log("Welcome to Admec Multimedia




Syntax for the JavaScript dummy code: External js



<h1>The script src attribute</h1>

<script src="demo_script_src.js">




These are the projects which help in enrich JavaScript skills: Colour Flipper, counter, a responsive navbar, video background, etc.

As, there are two types of JavaScript, which need to be understood by the JavaScript developer, before its implication, they need to understand

  • Client-side JavaScript: Rather than the source code being read by the web browser apart from a web server. this means that its code run after the web page is loaded without communicating with the server.

  • Server-side JavaScript: it is the lengthened process in which it enables the backend access to get databases, file systems, and servers.

  • Core JavaScript: it is the basic JavaScript language

Client-side JavaScript and server-side JavaScript are totally dependent on the core JavaScript; it cannot run without it.

Join web design courses in Delhi in all front-end languages from the beginning.

The PHP is most widely used programming language which is used by backend developers, as it is a server-side scripting language, it is more secure than JavaScript as it not understood by web browsers and is easily by web servers.

It helps high interactive web pages, it is also combined with HTML, and it works as the main backend language which carries requests on the web server. If the developer wants to work on the PHP they need to install Wamp, Xamp, and SQL for PHPmyadmin, php can be connected with different database software Mariadb, Mysql, and Postgresql the popular php frameworks are Laravel, etc, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla are the cms websites which need php to work with.

Join PHP training institute in Delhi for learning this language like a pro.

Php dummy code:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php echo "My first PHP script!"; ?> </body> </html>

Join web development courses in Delhi for a professional level of training.

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